Modern Family is a comedy series. The families of Jay Pritchett, his daughter Claire Dunphy, and his son Mitchell Pritchett are protagonist. Claire is married with Phil and they have three children, Jay is married with a younger Colombian woman named Gloria and together they raise their teenage son Manny, while Mitchell share his life with Cameron. They have adopted a Vietnamese baby. This will lead to comic situation Throughout each chapter.
The big bang theory is also a comedy series. There are three scientific, Sheldon, Leonard and Rajesh, an engineer, Howard and waitress, Penny. Sheldon and Leonard are romance and Pennny is his neighbour. Howard lives with his wife , Bernadette. Sheldon also has a partner, Amy. In all chapters, all these characters spend their unspeakable stories.
The last serie is called 'El Foraster'. Quim Masferrer, the foraster goes for 48 hours to a village in Catalonia. The ones the villagers questions and in the end he make a show for the people about everything that has happened during these 48 hours.
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