dijous, 6 de juny del 2013

Treball de Síntesi

1. What is global warming?
Global warming is the gradual process of increasing the temperature of the planet Earth, among other reasons, the intensification of the greenhouse effect.
2. What is the process involved in the greenhouse effect?

The greenhouse effect is the process by which the atmosphere of a planet that is warm, allowing the entry of sunlight visible, but preventing or hindering the emission of heat from the planet
3. What signs warn us about global warming?
 Solar variation and volcanoes are some of the signs that can warn us of global warming. The temperature augmetnt or go undone poles also warns that there is global warming.
4. Watch the video and explain: Global warming, panic or reality?
 I think the global warming reality.Why did not panic? Because most people do not care about global warming or the consequences, and if we use it or we know very well we can not have this panic.

5. What can we do to stop global warming?  
   Suggest 5 ideas

1. Using wind power and lower oil. Whit this we can slow down global warming.
2.Factories that do not use fossil fuels: coal, oil, natural gas ... 
3.No freedom to use the car as much CO2
Decompose organic matter 
5. Use light bulbs.