dimarts, 30 d’abril del 2013


Callum: Hey, guys. What's going on here?
Leah: We're trying to organize a barbeacue. We want to make some money for the youth club.
Callum: Cool! Can I do anything?
Shaun: Yes. There's a lot to do.We need some food and drink.
Leah: Yeah, my dad's helping with that.
Shaun: And I thik we should made some invitations.
Callum: I can do that, if you want.
Shaun: Ok. Thaks, Callum.
Leah: Then all we need is some music.
Callum: You should phone Beth-shi's in a band.
Shaun: Ok. Great

Lady Gaga

The rumour is that Lady Gaga has called her new album ARTPOP is "pop art" in reverse. 
Gaga is a big fan of pop art, a 1950s art movement which transformed ordinary objects, lide a can of soup, into art. She is fascinated by pop artist Andy Warhol, who died in 1987. She says that he speaks to her in her dreams!

Iron Man 3

Robert owney Jr. is back on the big screen
as Iron Man. This time the superhero must 
fight the powerful Mandarin. 
And he will have
to count on 
his intelligence 
not his hi-teach 
armour, to win. 
It's a new challenge for Iron 

fight: lluitar
screen: pantalla
powerful: potent

dimecres, 24 d’abril del 2013


Teacher:Leah, what's happened? Are you OK?
Leah.No, I've cut my arm.
Teacher:How did that happen?
Leah: It was an accident. I fell while I was playing basketball.
Teacher:Oh, right.Have you cleaned it?
Leah:Yes, I have, but it hurts.
Teacher: Do you need help?
Leah: No, I think it'll be OK.
Teacher: Mmm.Maybe you need to go to the chemist's.


Gemma: Xènia... Xènia!
Xènia:Yes? Oh, hi, Gemma.
Gemma: Are you doing anything this saturday?
Xènia:No, nothing special. Why?
Gemma: I'm going to a tennis tornament if you're interested.
Xènia: Yes,great. What time does it start?
Gemma: It's on at one o'clock at the wimbeldon sports park.
Xènia: OK. Shall I meet you outside at about twelf therteen
Gemma: Yeah, OK.I'll see you there.
Xènia:See ou later, Gemma.



Shaun: How long will you be, Gemma?
Gemma: Not yet. I'm looking for a poster for my dad. He's into art.
Shaun: Can I see?
Gemma: Yes. What do you think of this?
Shaun: It's OK. Who's it by?
Gemma: This one's by van Gogh. It's called Starry Night.
Shaun: That one's better.
Gemma: Do you think so?
Shaun: Yes, it's more interesting. The other one's a bit dark.
Gemma:Yes, I think you're right. Thands, Shaun.



Leah: That's amazing! Is that your photo, Nicolet?
Nicolet: yes, do you like it?
Leah: Yeah. Where were you when you saw that?
Nicolet: I was on holiday in Hawaii. These people were doing driving.
Leah:Really? Why were they doing that?
Nicolet: Because they are finding very strange fish.
Leah: Did you try it?
Nicolet: You're kidding! Ican't driving
Leah: Yeah, well it's a great photo. Well done!