divendres, 15 de novembre del 2013

My last summer

This summer I have done a lot of things. First I explain about what I did in June, then in July, then in August and finally in September.

The last days of June, my sister and i we went to Zaragoza. We did a lot of things like going shopping, swimming in the pool...
In July I went to summer English school and I went to a rowing curse. In the English school I went to sleep for one night in the woods. Apart form this, every day, before going rowing, I went with my friends to the club to swim.

In August, apart from staying just in Banyoles, my family and I went to Granada to celebrate a wedding. We go by car so first we stop in Alecant for one night and then we continue.
It was great.

The first week of September my mother, my sister and I went to Mallorca for a week. We went to a place called Cala Ratjada. We were at my mum's friend's house and I met some very nice girls.


Albert: In July he went to Paris. The last part of the summer he was in Banyoles
Carlota: In July he stay in Banyoles. In August she went to Palamos and Estartit for 3 weeks.
Sergi: In June and in July he stay at home. In August he went for 2 weeks to Sant Antoni and in September he did homeworks.
Lidia: In the summer she went to a summer camp and to Tarragona.
Eva: In July she went for 3 days to Tarragona.The  for 9 days to Young life in Besalu and in August she go to a Sport camp in Camprodon.
Enric: In August he went to Grece and Turkey.
Alex: In summer, he went to Paris, Estartit and Tamariu.
Anna: She travel to England, Ibiza and Switxerland.
Pere: He visit Gloucester and London. The he stay in Banyoles.
Laia A: In July she went to the champion España of rowing. The she stay in Banyoles and she went to Llança and the North of Catalonia.

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